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  1. Today
  2. Day 1 or 2-3 Year after? , like the sims 4 on PS4 and Xbox One submitted by /u/JonathanBML [link] [comments]View the full article
  3. Yesterday
  4. With Sims 4 being over a decade old now, what do we think a release date for 5 is looking like?! It's TIME submitted by /u/Outrageous-Cake-7240 [link] [comments]View the full article
  5. Sims 4 got released with few stuff. Most of missing features were added in updates and dlcs. So they are gonna release this with lacking stuff to then ea adding it as dlcs or updates like 5 years later? submitted by /u/CreativeWrongdoer992 [link] [comments]View the full article
  6. Last week
  7. This is a weekly discussion thread! Comment your thoughts, ideas, and desires! submitted by /u/anonboxis [link] [comments]View the full article
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  9. First: the game is too successful to not work on a sequel: EA will try to milk Sims 4 until it breaks down, but not developing a Sims 5 seems totally insane. But there's a reason, why a PS5 version is definitvely cancelled, and this might not be because it is released so late that the ps5 no longer matters (as the ps4 mattered for years after the release of the ps5): If Sims 5 tries to include generative AI, even for the behavior of the Sims only, then the PS5 is absolutely too weak for it. The next generation of consoles will probably include an dedicated NPU for AI-Stuff that can handle AI tasks simply better than a CPU can. This will probably be less of an issue on desktop-pcs as desktop-cpus are much of the time stronger and many tasks can the gpu take over. This is just my personal opinion of the Sims 5 situation as i see it. Too many news outlets are already calling doom and gloom, but while life by you was cancelled (which was in my eyes the weakest of the sims competitors), i doubt that this make them decide: we cancel now Sims 5 because of it and milk out even more from Sims 4. (which they will, but not at the expense of the Sims 5) submitted by /u/Velron [link] [comments]View the full article
  10. .. submitted by /u/Several-Artichoke789 [link] [comments]View the full article
  11. This is a weekly discussion thread! Comment your thoughts, ideas, and desires! submitted by /u/anonboxis [link] [comments]View the full article
  12. I was bored so I looked at maxis' job listings and found this submitted by /u/Dry_Translator4668 [link] [comments]View the full article
  13. This is a weekly discussion thread! Comment your thoughts, ideas, and desires! submitted by /u/anonboxis [link] [comments]View the full article
  14. This is a weekly discussion thread! Comment your thoughts, ideas, and desires! submitted by /u/anonboxis [link] [comments]View the full article
  15. submitted by /u/grashel [link] [comments] View the full article
  16. I think they should cancel mobile instead. I don't even like the idea making the game F2P. Maybe project rene has been entirely restarted idk. submitted by /u/Raz0712 [link] [comments]View the full article
  17. submitted by /u/Key_Tomatillo_1615 [link] [comments] View the full article
  18. https://preview.redd.it/zpjpcvgvjhjd1.jpg?width=819&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c43f7b0d39b06c8a10e3d63d7d48992eb88b0836 submitted by /u/Miserable-Power-2343 [link] [comments]View the full article
  19. Just wondering what everyone thinks! submitted by /u/AmbitiousLiving88 [link] [comments]View the full article
  20. This is a weekly discussion thread! Comment your thoughts, ideas, and desires! submitted by /u/anonboxis [link] [comments]View the full article
  21. Do you guys think it'll have full multiplayer like the Sims 2 pets on GameCube, or something more similar to 4's sharing feature submitted by /u/hollowsoul9 [link] [comments]View the full article
  22. Imagine that this is just prototype and realistic,the actual game is more realistic i'm so happy that they will delete cartoony style https://preview.redd.it/m54o5w872xhd1.jpg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cba6cbb90b62e047dd4643123d99f63e09b3aa7e submitted by /u/Miserable-Power-2343 [link] [comments]View the full article
  23. EA Said that prohect rene is a new way to play the sims, and we will keep you updated everytime with sneak peeks etc . but now it has been 1 year that they didn't talk about sims 5?! submitted by /u/Miserable-Power-2343 [link] [comments]View the full article
  24. This is a weekly discussion thread! Comment your thoughts, ideas, and desires! submitted by /u/anonboxis [link] [comments]View the full article
  25. what will you do if sims 5 is an open world and a copy of second life. submitted by /u/Miserable-Power-2343 [link] [comments]View the full article
  26. I know EA wouldn’t do this BUT if they could. I would love some unhinged things like: Teen pregnancies Drugs and alcohol and have that impair what you see( like some other games) If you hate someone, it would be cool for options to murder sims (gold digger could poison food, cut breaks in car etc) if you are in the criminal career have more options to rob or kill sims in town an option to cater romantic relationships ( I hate when my sims are called cheaters when it isn’t offical yet lol) That’s all I’ve got. I know mods do this but it would be cool having a base game like this. What would you add? submitted by /u/Traditional_Food1117 [link] [comments]View the full article
  27. I miss random events and game playing and actually being invested in my sims lives. What do you guys think? submitted by /u/GeorgiePig2474 [link] [comments]View the full article
  28. Does anyone else think we might get CAW for The Sims 5, or did that idea die with The Sims 4? submitted by /u/No-Length-6250 [link] [comments]View the full article
  29. All i want for sims 5 is a good lighting and high quality detailed houses. https://preview.redd.it/xtlii507sfgd1.png?width=1286&format=png&auto=webp&s=93484c6f586a6a07da68f30328119750f6f604b6 https://preview.redd.it/s5nn7507sfgd1.png?width=1445&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ec17f8d360a4184808f2fdcba97c9200ab765b9 submitted by /u/Miserable-Power-2343 [link] [comments]View the full article
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